Call it what you want… Water-Witching… Dowsing… or Magic… on thing is for sure… it’s pretty amazing to watch!

We had our initial drilling take place for a few days and our well was at a depth of 900′ “with-no-water!” Whaaat?

Needless to say, I was pretty bummed-out and disappointed! What do you do when you drill a dry well (besides get sick at your stomach)? You call “OOH… OOH… WITCHY WOMAN” and ask her to come out and help you find water.

A Dowser is one who utilizes 2 “L-Shaped Rods” or a “Wishboned-Limb” to detect water. While it is a controversial approach, it is amazing and alluring to watch it in action.

Less than 5 minutes onto our property and “OOH… OOH… WITCHY WOMAN” locates water! Whaaat?

So… what do we do?

We relocate the Drill Rig to the spot where the Dowser has located water.

The drilling continues! Stay tuned to see if “OOH… OOH… WITCHY WOMAN” is right!

Until then, you can stop singing and humming the ear worm: “OOH… OOH… WITCHY WOMAM!”