Whew! We finally have water and so now we begin to flag-the-property even more for the Grader. Needless to say, the back of the property has so many Orange Flags it appears to move with the wind (hence the title of this blog: BACKFIELD IN MOTION)

From the main street… up the driveway… to the round-about… our BACKFIELD IN MOTION is taking shape and beginning to make sense to anyone who walks up onto the property to assess what’s going on.

Our overall goal is to have our BACKFIELD IN MOTION eventually progress toward a State Park “look” and “feel” as we grade and groom the property for full time living in the Airstream.

Even though a good many trees must be removed for outdoor living, we plan to plant back several more trees in strategic areas for our BACKFIELD IN MOTION.

We will continue to post the progress of our property throughout the various stages of construction, and you will be able to see the the RV setting begin to take shape from our BACKFIELD IN MOTION.