“WOW!”… “OOH!”… “AHH!”… “UMM!” are just a few expressions from LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

Slipper and I feel as though we are living on vacation!

We love the changing scenery of each day as our views are constantly in movement via the sunset… clouds… fog… winds… rain… snow… ice… and other sights of nature.

In essence, its LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

Our Mountain Views are like watching a live video of The Divine’s Home Movies 😀😁😊

Our Garden Views will be the same this next Spring, but still portray a beautiful picture during the Winter Months from LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

As Tim McGraw sings “I like it… I love it… I want some more of it.”

When we drive through our gates its LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.