I have come to learn that there are some people and some “towns” along The Appalachian Trail that simply DO NOT LIKE HIKERS!

I’m not naming-any-names and I’m not calling-out-towns, but as we walked through one particular section of the trail… someone was shooting their gun extremely close to where we were (so close we could hear the gun blast and the bullet ring as it hit a tree close to us).


IS THAT BANJO MUSIC I HEAR?… One Hiker must have heard the same type of thing that we heard and ran completely out of his shoes (because you can see them hanging from the trees), or else he felt like he could hike faster without this particular pair of shoes.


IS THAT BANJO MUSIC I HEAR? Slipper and I really got nervous when we saw (what looked to be like) an “ear” on the ground. Look close at the photo above… do you see it?

It was just an “ear-like” indentation on the rock. Whew!

Maybe it wasn’t banjo music afterall… maybe it was just one of those crows or ravens we hear in the mornings.