Ya gotta luv the sound of nail guns during new construction! We certainly do as our Tiny House continues taking shape. Pop… pop… pop… pop… pop… AND THE BEAT GOES ON!

With the rhythmic sound of the nail guns and the occasional “zing” from the power saw, combined with the deep bass sound of a hammer hitting a board into place, one can say that Mr. David Dickerson (Owner/Operator of Preferred Custom Builders) is “The King of Pop”… AND THE BEAT GOES ON.

It is absolutely beautiful to watch your dreams come to life and to see an ink drawing from draft paper taking shape.

We are amazed each time we drive up to the top of the mountain to preview the progress and experience, not only the picturesque view, but the peace that is felt here. AND THE BEAT GOES ON!

We are thrilled to have David Dickerson of Preferred Custom Builders as “The King of Pop” building the entire homestead on top of this mountain.

Remember, this title: “The King of Pop” references the sound of the nail guns (in rhythmic harmony) used to build a home NOT one’s singing capability😊 We enjoy nature too much to ask and invite David to sing! BWAHAHAHAHAHA😆😅😄😃🤣😂😀

At the end of the day (better yet… in the middle of the day)… as your slowly drive past the mountaintop property, you may hear the pop… pop… pop… pop… pop of a few nail guns.