Say, “Hello” to Frosty The Platinum Rapper Snow”person.”

Frosty gets the title: “Platinum Rapper” from the platinum screws that form the smile.

Needless to say, WINTER IS HERE!

It took a little while before Frosty was in place, but once we were complete with the Rapper’s Scarf, Frosty was styling & profiling in all its glory!

Why? Because WINTER IS HERE!

My brother and his son (my Nephew) with My Nephew’s Girlfriend drive up in my Nephew’s 1994 Vintage Jeep Sahara to enjoy a day in the snow.

After a few photos with Frosty and enjoying a hot bowl of Slipper’s Home-Made Beef Stew, it was time to turn the Jeep around and head home.

And just like “that” the day has come and gone… family is returning home… the stew has been consumed… and all because WINTER IS HERE.