Living on top of the mountain… in the wild… has a few more challenges than conveniences, for sure. One of the challenges is that you always must be aware of your surroundings and visiting wildlife.

Each time we see a bear… coyote… snake… deer… fox… racoon… squirrel… hawk… owl… etc… I think to myself: WILD THING… YOU MAKE MY HEART SING.

I believe that we have seen more bear on our property this year, than we have seen on any of our properties to date.

Weather we are just stepping out from the Airstream or walking from the Tiny House to the Screen Porch to the Firepit… we have to pay attention.

This is in no way a complaint… more so… a celebration. We love “Living More With Less” upon this mountain and experiencing our minimalistic lifestyle.

We love being in the midst of nature and singing: “WILD THING…. YOU MAKE MY HEART SING!”

While I am not a fan of snakes, we know that they are here and we give them the respect that they deserve.

Slipper had a stand-off with the Wild Thing above and when I arrive home they both are stationary looking at one another.

How do you get a snake to leave when it really doesn’t want to? Answer: Put the Water Hose Nozzle on stream and squirt it in the head!


It’s rare to see a nice Buck Deer as the one pictured above, and I had just a few seconds to capture the shot… but it was a heart-racing two seconds to get the photo.

My favorite wildlife to see is this little doe that is often seen with this buck😊

It just wouldn’t be the same without Slipper! Believe me… I am aware… I pay attention… I watch… I stare… I smile… and I sing (about her): “WILD THING… YOU MAKE MY HEART SING.”