This is obviously “The Father” of mountains in this particular area and although we knew that “The Priest” is “The Beast”… we also knew that WE HAD TO GO BEFORE THE PRIEST.


As we begin making our way to “The Priest”… we are in awe of the views (especially the clouds that begin to roll in… as if to say, “Prepare to cry for mercy!”)


The Bald that we begin to ascend is a peaceful setting (as going before The Priest should be) and then just before summiting, we catch a glimpse of a rock formation that reminded me of… well… ahh… I don’t know… you decide…


Anyway… when you figure it out… you too might need to admit that WE HAD TO GO BEFORE THE PRIEST.

Our North Bound approach was a bit long, but not as brutal as was the decent on the other side. OMG! I would hate to climb The Priest South Bound (because the strenuous decent down all the rocks had us crying for mercy)!

The following photos are of Slipper ascending Three Ridges Mountain AFTER WE HAD TO GO BEFORE THE PRIEST.



These rocks and boulders beat the devil out of us… but I guess this was our trail discipline after WE HAD TO GO BEFORE THE PRIEST.

At the end of the day we conquer the mountain and, as a result, we are blessed the very next day with some awesome trail magic (a little additional grace from when WE HAD TO GO BEFORE THE PRIEST)