It is difficult not to smile as we are in the final countdown toward our attempt to thru-hike The Appalachian Trail!

People ask us, “When do you start your hike?” When we tell them Valentine Day they share a smile with us as then say, “You’re gonna freeze!”

We recognize that February 14 is a bit early to begin a Northbound Thru-Hike, but we have elected this date for a few reasons. 1- To get ahead of the “Social Bubble” 2- To have a logical start date to the Relational Book that Tripper is purposed to write upon our return 3- Tripper actually likes the weather when it is cold & wet.

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So… when the going gets tough (and it will)… when it gets cold  (and it will)… when it gets wet (and it will)… our love language to encourage one another to just keep going is “Smile a little Smile for me.”

Doesn’t have to be a big smile… long smile… or even a real smile! Just a little smile will do!

Afterall… it takes more energy to frown that it does to smile! So… “SMILE A LITTLE SMILE FOR ME.”