Who would believe that the first of December we would be boating on our lake in North Georgia? I don’t think that I would make that kind of bet, and yet here we are… on the lake… in our Kyacks… 60+ degrees… with no wind… saying “ROW… ROW… ROW YOUR BOAT.”

After several days of cold temperatures, pouring rain and high winds, we find ourselves gliding across the water within the reflection of mountains. Hard to believe, yet very thankful that we are blessed to live such a life. After awhile of aquatic relaxation, we decide to hop in the golf cart and take a ride around the mountains.

Stopping for a moment to snap-a-pic at the Rock Quarry, our dear friends call us to meet them at another mountain community and view a home site that they have an interest in purchasing.

What an amazing time… not to mention that we see 5 bears taking advantage of this warm weather.

And to think that it all began when we took the time to ROW… ROW… ROW YOUR BOAT.