Growing up, my son loved the Super Hero Characters: “Superman” and “He Man.” His love for “Superman” was his capability to fly and his love for “He Man” was his confident chant: “I’VE GOT THE POWER!”

Just the other day as I drove up to the top of the mountain, I felt a little like “He Man” and wanted to shout and chant with confidence, “I’VE GOT THE POWER!”

It was a joy to see the power company installing the underground utilities and knowing that we are one step closer to living full time in our Airstream.

As we continue prepping the property for this amazing new adventure of “Living More With Less,” as I see the continued progress and consistent process forward I want to scream, “I’VE GOT THE POWER!”

Now that we officially have the power installed, maybe I’ll try donning a blue cape and doing my best to fly. After all… “I’VE GOT THE POWER!”