Water is a precious commodity! Let me take this a step further to say, water is a precious necessity!

While hiking The Appalachian Trail, a Hiker should become very knowledgeable about an available water source. Thanks to Hiking Clubs… Trail Maintainers… and those who have committed themselves to vital trail information… available water sources are marked by a “blue blaze.”

What do you do if the water source is a bit weak and you desperately need water?

One thing you can do is to take a large Rhododendron Leaf and place it within the water source (usually where a rock or root ledge may be) and anchor the leaf with a rock, thus creating a “piping of water effect.” This simple technique will make it much easier to fill your water bottles rather than having to scoop up the water.

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We met a young Hiker sitting on the side of the trail with a look of desperation on his face. He asked us if we knew where the next available water source was (as it became obvious that he was thirsty and scared about his condition).

Knowing that the next available water source was miles away, we offered to fill his bottle up with the water we had recently collected to help a fellow Hiker out.

A few miles up the trail, we take a lunch break and give thanks that we were able to give some much needed water.

Any Hiker is willing to take another step (literally) to gather much needed water! Regarding a weak water source… AND THE WEAK SHALL BECOME STRONG… by using a large Rhododendron Leaf and a small stone.