If you are a Hiker, Backpacker and/or Tent Camper, then you know all-to-well about having that mental image of the perfect camp site. A part of the adrenaline rush for me to a multiple-day backpacking excursion is finding that perfect place to-call-it-a-day. When it comes to just-the-right-spot… AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH!

OMG! When we finally arrived at the top of this Bald, we looked at each other and gasped thinking: AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH!

This view is epic! With only a short while before the sun sets over Roan Mountain, Slipper and I nestle down inside our Copperspur UL3 Tent for an night of sleep while being rocked to sleep by the high winds.

Knowing that our Readers will most likely sing the next phrase/lyric that the title to this blog implies… AIN’T NO VALLEY LOW ENOUGH… we camp the next night at Doll Flats (a nice valley below the Balds).

I hope that you can capture the beauty and bliss of discovering the perfect camp site for the night.

Does every night on a trail provide one with amazing views? Not always! However, if one is patient enough to make the climb to the next summit… or decent into the next valley… AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH… AIN’T NO VALLEY LOW ENOUGH…. to keep me from you.

LOL! There’s your ear-worm for the day!