Who is it that sings, “Get Down… Get Down… Get Down… Get Down… Get Down, Tonight… Baby… Yay… Yay… Yay?” Is it KC and The Sunshine Band? Maybe! But it is also “ME!” (as it takes 2 days to get off the high mountain that we were on and down into Davenport Gap (where we have A STANDING BEAR ENCOUNTER).

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And the photo above is Mr. STANDING BEAR himself (or shall I say, the official Care Taker of Standing Bear Farm… “LUMPY”).

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Standing Bear Farm is just a few steps from the trail and is much like a Communal Camp for Hikers… run by Hikers (yet is correctly referred to as A Hiker Hostel). There is an Office (in progress…) a Bunk House (where Fast Eddie and Options stayed)… a Tree House (where “B-Rad” stayed)… and a private cabin-over-a-creek (where we stayed). Standing Bear Farm has a Privy (Yay… just bring your own necessities)… a Cold Shower… a Dryer (to dry your clothes after you wash them by hand on a Wash Board! Your Grandmother would be proud!) and even a Kitchen Area to cook your Frozen Pizzas and nuke your Frozen Hamburgers!

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You might think that Slipper is washing dishes (and she is)… but she is really enjoying the “hot water” from the sink faucet (Why isn’t it in the Shower?) and using it to wash her face and hands also. Smart Girl!

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Lu-Lu is just one of the sweetest dogs at the farm and will chase her tennis ball AND BRING IT BACK TO YOUR FOOT  (to either pick up and throw with your hand or kick with your foot) as often as you are willing to play with her (another reason that Slipper was washing her hands… because she threw the ball to Lu Lu most of the evening).

As we depart from Standing Bear Farm the next morning. LUMPY says. “Let me take a moment to encourage you on your journey… Have fun… relish each moment… and ALWAYS take candy from strangers!” A true Hiker understands the importance of candy!