We met an extremely nice Section Hiker by the name of: “MARCO!” (Not sure if this is his REAL name or TRAIL name) and had the joy of camping with him for a few nights, as we were both heading for Newfound Gap (to resupply).

Needless to say, “MARCO” arrived at the Parking Lot sooner than we did (I think that I am a “Stroller” more so than a “Hiker”) and was waiting for a ride.

As we finally made it (soaked to the bone in the pouring down rain), we called for a shuttle ride from those who post their service in the AT GUIDE BOOK. Unfortunately, no one was running their service today (Sunday)? Really? Why in the world are you in the book then? Oh well… what to do… what to do?

I got it! Before our hike I purchased 2 tarps for the vestibules of our tent. On my tarp I stenciled the words: TO TOWN and on Slipper’s tarp I stenciled the words: TO TRAIL.

So… we take my tarp… wrap our Hiking Poles into each end of the tarp… and in less than 2 minutes a guy and his wife (Tom & Cam) pull up in his truck and offers us a ride into Gatlinburg via the back of the truck. By this time, the clouds have parted… the rain has stopped… the temperature has risen… and we are in the back of a pickup headed for a town of over stimulation.

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Tom offered us fresh fruit and anything we wanted out of the ice chest he had in the back.

Slipper grabbed an apple and Marco engulfed two (yeah… that’s right… two) soggy Subway Sandwiches and a banana! Hey Marco… were the sandwiches as good as the Fig Newtons and Cheese you had for supper the night before!

Tom and Cam live in Gatlinburg and have offered an early morning ride back up to Newfound Gap if we desire for an early departure from a town of over stimulation.

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We may just take him up on it! If not… and you are in Gatlinburg… we’ll be the two Hikers standing at the city entrance holding up a sign that says, “TO TRAIL!”

Happy Trails to YOU!